Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • With bulk layoffs getting quite frequent, HR's getting quite choosy about the resumes they are selecting.
  • Here are a few things they are looking for in resumes this year.

With newer technologies emerging every day, job aspirants need to be on their toes every time they are applying for a higher position in a new company.

So if you want to move ahead from the pack and get that dream job in 2023, it is important to know what exactly will HR be looking for in your resume this year.

Resumes highlighting unique value proposition

From professional summary to the overall journey of the person seeking a job, the resume must showcase the entire story in nutshell very effectively. This year, the HR heads will be looking for that unique value proposition in the resume that highlights all the skills and strengths of the candidate relevant to the post they have applied for.

Visually appealing

Good play of visuals, graphics, and colours will give an added advantage to a jobseeker during job hunting. Importantly, the resume must be concise, and to the point and should efficiently navigate the viewer to all the highlights. It is a tough task for an HR to pick up the right resume from the entire lot and hence, one that is visually impressive is bound to score more points in his book.

Emphasis is on skill-based hiring

The entire resume must showcase your expertise, and demonstrate your skills. With more and more new tools hitting the world of technology almost every day, a resume with upgraded skills, certifications, and the ability to use multiple tools gets picked up very fast by HR.

A mere listing of skills is no longer enough. More points are scored by jobseekers who also add how they used those particular tools and technology and how it helped their recruiter find a solution or resolve a situation.

Avoid decorative words and fluffiness

Earlier it was okay to bulk up the resume with some fluffy and decorative words. But nowadays they are the major drawbacks in your resume and the HRs want you to be practical and direct with your resume presentation instead of boasting about your achievements.

Embrace career gaps

Desperate job seekers many times avoid mentioning career gaps and try to cover them up with lies or fake projects. Instead embracing these career gaps will make them more trustworthy in the eyes of the HR team.

Nowadays layoffs and career gaps are quite normal and can happen with even the most talented, skilled, and experienced person in the field.

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