Odishatv Bureau

A resume mistake is viewed by employers as more than just a mistake made by the candidate. It can be the reason to quickly eliminate you from the vast pool of applicants. Your resume is your first impression, so it's essential you invest time and energy into it.   

1. Grammatical And Punctuation Errors 

The underlying message conveyed through typos, grammar errors, and punctuation errors may indicate that you are less than careful in your work. It suggests that you are not interested enough in the job to take the time to proofread or are not concerned about your professional appearance if hired.   

2. Poor Resume Format 

Having trouble fitting your resume on a single page?  You can begin by reducing the margins and font size of your resume. It is recommended to use Times New Roman or Arial with margins of 7 and font sizes of 10 or 11 points; font sizes smaller than 10 points can be hard to read. You should avoid italics, underlining, shading, borders and graphics to make your resume easier to scan.  

3. Make Sure To Communicate 

The lack of focus in a resume tells a lot about the applicant. How can you convince an employer that you are the right person for the job if you don't know what you have to offer? Make sure you communicate your key qualifications in your Objective as well as your Skills Summary. You are also preparing yourself for the interview by taking the time to create your resume. 

4. Prioritise Job Description 

It is important not to minimise the importance of your job responsibilities. Careful wording demonstrates to the employer that you understand the nature of your responsibilities and understand that they contribute to the department's and organization's goals. Describe the context and results of what you did, for whom/what you did it, and for what reason. Also, mention any specific accomplishments that went beyond the scope of your job. 

Keep all these points in mind to avoid mistakes that first-time job seekers make in their resumes. The resume plays a crucial part in your hiring for a specific job and shows your professionalism as well as your personality.  

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