Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Khus Khus contain zinc that promotes the proper functioning of thyroid glands.
  • Khus Khus milk should be consumed in the night before sleeping.

Obesity and the need to lose those extra kilos is a universal problem. But there are many people who cannot gain weight despite trying all types of diets.

Years of research have shown that milk derived from Khus Khus can help gain weight slowly and steadily.

Poppy seeds or Khus Khus are high in calories

Poppy seeds have extremely high calorific value. Just 100 grams of Khus Khus contain 525 calories. So if an underweight person wants to gain weight, the best remedy to increase his carbohydrate consumption is by adding 100 grams of poppy seeds to his diet.

They contain zinc that promotes the proper functioning of thyroid glands. These seeds are also rich in protein and healthy fat which contribute to the development of muscles.

If consumed daily, Khus Khus can help you gain weight very fast. Other benefits of poppy seeds are that they eliminate gas and constipation and boost fertility in women. Rich in fiber, they get rid of all the problems related to the stomach and also are known to be effective in preventing colon cancer. Its daily consumption hence is considered highly beneficial for stomach health.

How to prepare Khus Khus milk?

For preparing a perfect Khus Khus milk, soak poppy seeds in water overnight or at least for 5 to 6 hours. Once they have been properly soaked, grind them in a mixer. Add water to ensure that the poppy seeds are turned into a soft paste. Before sleeping put 1 or 2 teaspoons of this paste in the milk and let it boil for a couple of minutes.

Once properly boiled drink it before sleeping at night. If you cannot prepare the Khus Khus paste every day, you can grind these seeds into a fine powder and use it to prepare this milk. You can add fennel seeds while preparing the paste or fennel powder to add more taste and introduce a stomach-soothing effect to the drink.

Within a few weeks, you will start witnessing an increase in your weight.
