Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Vitamin D protects against the deterioration of bones after 30.
  • It is largely found in egg yolk, salmon, and Sardines.

Awareness about Vitamin D has been slowly growing. Research and studies have shown that Vitamin D plays a key role in performing several bodily functions including maintaining bone health. Low levels of Vitamin D increase the risk of getting autoimmune diseases.

However, most people do not know that they are deficient in this vitamin. Unlike other vitamins, Vitamin D is found in very few natural sources which is why it is important to include such food items in your daily meals.


These are some of the most delicious sources of Vitamin D, Vitamin B, and potassium. Importantly, there is a wide variety of mushrooms like morel, portobello, shiitake, and chanterelle easily available in the market which you can buy and include in your daily diet.


It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and protein and can be eaten raw, pan-seared, or baked. Salmon is extremely good for the proper functioning of the liver, heart, and kidneys.

Cod Liver Oil

It is a popular supplement for those who do not eat or like fish. Cod liver oil is also available in tablet forms and has been recommended extensively for treating a deficiency of Vitamin D. Cod liver oil has also been used for treating tuberculosis, psoriasis, and rickets.

Herring and Sardines

Herring is a type of fish that is often eaten pickled or smoked. It is a small fish that is a very good source of Vitamin D. Canned Sardines also have a good amount of Vitamin D. Fatty fish like Mackerel and Halibut are also good sources of Vitamin D.

Egg Yolk

One of the most natural sources of Vitamin D is the egg. While many people separate egg yolk from egg white as per their dietary preferences, health experts suggest that one should eat whole eggs because the yolk of the egg is rich in Vitamin D, essential amino acids as well as some healthy fats and choline. Pastured or free-range eggs are 4 to 6 times richer in Vitamin D as compared to other types of eggs.
