Sangati Jogwar

News Highlights

  • Eggs are high in nutrition.
  • They not only contain high-quality protein but also are loaded with good fats, minerals, and nutrients.

Eggs are considered one of the best sources of proteins. Both egg yolk and egg white have their health-benefiting properties. Eggs are also used in cosmetics for making the skin supple and elastic and on the scalp to strengthen the hair strands. On World Egg Day today know why it is important to include eggs in your daily diet.

They are highly nutritious

Eggs are high in nutrition. They not only contain high-quality protein but also are loaded with good fats, minerals, and nutrients. One large egg contains Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, and Selenium along with other nutrients like iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, and folate. Importantly it contains carbohydrates in a very low amount which makes it an ideal food for Weight Watchers.

Improves cholesterol profile

Multiple studies have shown that eggs improve cholesterol profile and raise HDL aka good cholesterol in the body. They also change the composition of LDL or bad cholesterol into a different subtype due to which the risk of heart disease is reduced.

Loaded with Choline

It is a lesser-known nutrient that is a part of the B-complex vitamin group. Choline is required for synthesizing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and is an important component present in the cell membranes. Low levels of choline in the body can lead to heart or liver diseases and neurological disorders. Egg yolks and beef liver are the best sources of choline and hence eggs must be included in a regular diet.

Rich in amino acids

Proteins are important for both functional and structural purposes of the body. They comprise amino acids that are formed into complex shapes linked together. Out of the 21 amino acids needed by the body to build proteins 9 have to be sourced through the food you eat. And these are the essential amino acids. Eggs are the best source of proteins that offer a rich amino acid profile.

Enriched with Zeaxanthin and Lutein

Eggs are rich in Zeaxanthin and Lutein which are extremely beneficial in protecting eyes. Both of them are found in the egg yolk. Lutein and Zeaxanthin accumulate near the area of the retina which is the sensory part of the eye and thus protect eyes from the harmful rays of the sunlight.
