Sanjeev Kumar Patro

News Highlights

  • It is the below-par performance of the power distribution companies (Discoms) in the State that has short-circuited the State's strides in the Energy Index. Because the Niti index puts a premium on the performance of Discoms as it assigns a weightage of 40 marks to this parameter.

A big paradox. Odisha was the first state in the country to have initiated power reforms way back in 1996. Gujarat went about power reforms much later – in 2002. However, when Odisha is languishing at 22nd rank in the Niti Aayog's State Energy and Climate Index (SECI) released Monday, Gujarat sits at the top.

It is the below-par performance of the power distribution companies (Discoms) in the State that has short-circuited the State's strides in the Energy Index. Because the Niti index puts a premium on the performance of Discoms as it assigns a weightage of 40 marks to this parameter. 
The Indicator ChartThe Indicator Chart

However, the index has also taken into account other vital parameters like access to, affordability and durability of power to citizens (15), clean energy initiatives (15), energy efficiency (6), environment sustainability (12) and new initiatives (12).

Odisha In Niti Index  

A look at the Niti Energy Index gives a sort of shock therapy to the State's power sector. Odisha could score only 37.1 out of 100. In almost all parameters, Odisha fared poorer than its neighbouring states, except Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

Among Larger States, Odisha 16thAmong Larger States, Odisha 16th

The score assigned to Odisha in the parameter of 'Discoms' has been 59 compared to 61 by Bihar. (see the table above)

Discom Disconnect

The Niti Aayog has judged the status of discoms in the states and UTs on the following nine indicators as  given below.

  • Debt-equity ratio
  • AT&C losses
  • ACS-ARR gap
  • T&D losses
  •  ToD/ToU tariffs for consumers
  • DBT Transfer
  • Open access surcharge
  • Regulatory Assets
  • Complexity of Tariffs

The State carried out the power reforms to provide resilience to the energy distribution. But the Niti assessment reveals Odisha trailing behind poorly.


Discom Scorecard Of OdishaDiscom Scorecard Of Odisha
  • The Niti report shows the net worth of discoms in Odisha on the negative side. The report puts the value at (-0.8). For this, the Odisha scored zero. The national average stands at 0.011.
  • The AT and C loss in Odisha estimated at 29 percent against the national target of 12-15 percent by 2024-25.
  • The AT and C loss in Gujarat at 12 percent.
  • The ACS and ARR gap in Odisha is estimated at Rs 0.34per Kwh.
  •  The T and D losses in State is estimated at 19.8 percent as compared 21.3 percent. 

Energy Affordability  

As per the report, Odisha has been ranked third in the parameter of access, affordability and reliability. The aggregate score in this indicator is 57.4. The State scored high in the sub-indicators like per capita energy consumption, hours of electricity supplied to agricultural and industrial sectors, cross-subsidisation, life-line electricity and tariff.

Odisha Claims 24 hrs Electricity SupplyOdisha Claims 24 hrs Electricity Supply

As per the report, the per capita energy consumption in Odisha is estimated at 223.4kgoe per capita. Odisha is placed at 18th rank in the country in per capita energy consumption.

Clean Energy 

In this indicator, where the vital inputs like clean cooking fuel, renewable energy and electric vehicle penetration are assessed, Odisha languishes at 18th rank with a score of 4.9. 

Scores In Two ParametersScores In Two Parameters

The report reveals that CNG penetration in the State is lower at 0.4 percent. The renewable energy penetration is also estimated at 1.6 percent compared to 17.8 percent in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh. 

Energy Efficiency  

In this indicator, Aayog has evaluated the following inputs like energy savings in industry, buildings, and energy intensity. Odisha with a score of 21.8 is ranked 15th.

Environment Sustainability

This parameter consists of four indicators namely energy intensity of GSDP, utilization of RE potential, the percentage change in forest cover and forest carbon stock. In the SECI score, Odisha was assigned 22.6. The State ranked 18th. 

How Sustainable Is Odisha?How Sustainable Is Odisha?

Among the major states, Odisha is third from the bottom. (see the image above)

New Initiatives

This parameter consists of three indicators related to EV penetration, availability of charging infrastructure for EV, proportion of consumers with smart meters. The State with a score of 0.9 has been ranked 18th.

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