Odishatv Bureau

It is normal to feel worried and anxious before your exams. But when you are preparing for them from home, it is more stressful and isolating as well. Too much stress can hinder your sleep, ability to study, and eating habits. While it may appear difficult to overcome this stress, there are ways in which you can manage it. This applies to whether you are preparing for a school exam, an entrance test.

Have a plan 
Having a plan in place is a great stress buster. Once you know what you have to do, you tend to feel confident and prepared. Before you begin to study or revise the study material, sit and draw up a realistic plan and allocate ample time for each portion of your syllabus. Don’t line up too many difficult topics one after the other. Give yourself a break with light and easy-to-learn topics from time to time. This way you will be able to prepare the whole syllabus and not feel overwhelmed by it all.

Create a strong support system 

Giving online exams can be stressful. The stress of missing out on important updates or exam dates being postponed can be quite trying. Seek out peers either from your own class or studying in other schools or colleges, but the same class as you. Create an online chat group so that all the updates can be posted on the group. Ask the teacher to join the online group. This way students can be provided with updates that may have been missed earlier. Communicate with your peers regularly to keep yourself abreast of all the information flowing in.

Maintain a balance between study and play
Just because you are studying from home does not mean you completely give up on your playtime. Studies have shown that children who include physical activities in their daily routines learn better. Sports and extracurricular activities are great ways to relieve stress. Going out and playing, playing a musical instrument, reading, drawing or taking a walk are great ways to unwind. Plan your day such that you incorporate physical exercise into your routine. This helps you to be productive and less stressed.

Revisiting prepared material 
Most of the stress comes from thinking about one’s unpreparedness for the exams. You can go through the syllabus and tick all the portions you have completed. Keep revisiting this checklist every time you are overwhelmed. You can take practice tests online to help boost your self-confidence. Seek support from a study partner, parent or tutor to go over and revise the material with you.

Seek help when you need it 
Preparing for an exam all by yourself can feel isolating. Ask your family and friends for support when you feel demotivated. Ask one of your classmates to be your study partner. This will help you both immensely. You can exchange notes, share questions and quiz each other whenever necessary. This is a great way to stay motivated.

Managing stress before an exam can get much easier when you apply these few tips and tools to divert energies into productive behaviour. 
