Deepak Acharya

The astrological prediction for Leo, the fifth astrological sign in the zodiac, is here and as it seems, it's going to be a mixed year of emotions for Leos.

Family: In family life, you are likely to resolve disputes with your ability to convince others. 

Be Alert: Be careful on road this year as carelessness may lead to accident resulting in physical injuries. So, be careful while driving on the road, as there are chances of accident in your luck this year. Do not drive rented vehicle and do not get things from others for free. 

Anything New: In 2024, you may develop interest to do something new in life. But always keep in mind to balance everything for a peaceful life.

Health: This year, you are likely to experience less physical ailments. However, there will be pain in your foot or stomach. Besides, you might stay stressed due to your health.

Business: This year, you will remain busy in some family work. You may experience growth in your business. 

Job Holders: If you are in the field of marketing,  this year will turn lucky for you. You might be the centre of attraction of every discussion in your office. You might get a good mentor to guide you at your work place.

Love Life: You will experience growth in your love life. You may also get closer to your partner. You are likely to get expected results in some sectors but get your hands on disappoint in some. 

Dealing with legal matters: You might think towards a new direction after getting victory in legal matters. 

Remedy for Leo in 2024

You should always seek blessings from elders to turn your luck in your favour. For good fortune, you can also donate Wheat in orphanages.
