Odishatv Bureau

The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. Here are the latest updates on the COVID-19 crisis from around the globe on Saturday.

Global COVID-19 cases over 5.2 mn: Johns Hopkins

[caption id="attachment_453099" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Global COVID deaths Photo: IANS[/caption]

The overall number of global coronavirus cases has increased to over 5.2 million, while the death toll surged past 338,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University.

As of Saturday morning, the total number of cases stood at 5,210,065, while the death toll increased to 338,142, the University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed in its latest update.

The US has the world's highest number of cases and deaths at 1,600,782 and 95,972, respectively.

In terms of cases, Brazil accounted for the second highest number of infections at 330,890,

followed by Russia (326,448), the UK (255,544), Spain (234,824), Italy (228,658), France (182,015), Germany (179,710), Turkey (154,500), Iran (131,652), India (124,794) and Peru (111,698), the CSSE figures showed.

Meanwhile, the UK came in second after the US with 36,475 COVID-19 deaths, the highest fatalities in Europe.

The other countries with over 10,000 deaths are Italy (32,616), Spain (28,628), France (28,218), and Brazil (21,048).

COVID-19 vaccines must be recognised as public goods: WHO

[caption id="attachment_453093" align="alignnone" width="650"] Photo: IANS[/caption]

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reiterated that COVID-19 vaccines must be recognised as public goods for the whole world, and that all countries must contribute.

"We can't prevent pathogens, germs from crossing our borders. And that's why these vaccines have to be recognised as protecting the whole of the world and the contributions from every country to do that," Katherine O'Brien, director of WHO's Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, said in a press conference in Geneva on Friday, reiterating COVID-19 vaccines be recognized as "global public health goods", Xinhua reported.

"The outbreak of pathogens don't recognize borders. Although one country may be able to vaccinate a high proportion of individuals, and in fact, even induce herd immunity in the country, the transmission of pathogens crosses borders," she said, adding that "we're all at risk when any country is at risk".

O'Brien gave a classic example of measles for illustration: "Measles anywhere is measles everywhere. And when we have measles anywhere, it means every country must continue to immunize and immunize at the rate that it does protect every individual in the community."

Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, a global Vaccine Alliance, said that it's important to "think about the fact that immunization is not only about protecting the individual, but it's also about creating herd immunity and protecting the rest of society".

"And that's a critical point, because even if you know if your child or your family cannot be immunized, because they have an immunosuppressive disease or because the vaccine doesn't take. What protects them, is the fact that other people around them are protected," he said.

US COVID-19 deaths surpass 95,000

[caption id="attachment_453094" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Photo: IANS[/caption]

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the US topped 95,000 on Friday, reaching 95,276, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

A total of 1,588,322 cases have been reported in the country, according to the CSSE, Xinhua news agency reported.

Hardest-hit New York state reported 28,743 fatalities among 358,154 cases. New Jersey reported 10,985 deaths, Massachusetts reported 6,148 deaths and Michigan reported 5,129 deaths, the CSSE data showed.

All 50 US states have started the process of reopening as President Donald Trump has pushed for, while public health experts have warned that premature moves would lead to more deaths.

Trump said on Thursday that the US would not close if a second wave of COVID-19 comes.

"People say that's a very distinct possibility ... We're not going to close the country. We're going to put out the fires," Trump told reporters during a Ford manufacturing plant tour in the state of Michigan.

France sees further decline in Corona-related hospitalisations

[caption id="attachment_453092" align="aligncenter" width="650"]France COVID-19 Photo: IANS[/caption]

The pressure on French health services continued to be eased as COVID-19 hospitalisations further declined, official data showed on Friday.

As of Friday, 17,383 COVID-19 patients remained in hospitals, a one-day decline of 200, confirming a downward trend reported since early April, Xinhua reported citing the data.

Of the hospitalized, 1,701 are in intensive care, down by 44 over the past 24 hours, the country's health ministry said.

Since the start of the epidemic, 100,038 people have been hospitalized for coronavirus infection. Of them, 64,209 people have left hospitals.

The ministry said that overall COVID-19-linked fatalities would be updated on Monday. As of Thursday, France had registered 28,215 deaths in total.

Italy's coronavirus deaths rise to 32,616

[caption id="attachment_453089" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Italy COVID-19 Photo: IANS[/caption]

A further 130 COVID-19 patients had died in the past 24 hours in Italy, bringing the country's death toll to 32,616, according to the latest official tally on Friday.

The number of recoveries rose to 136,720, an increase of 2,160 compared to Thursday. Nationwide, the number of active infections fell by 1,638 to 59,322, according to the Civil Protection Department, Xinhua reported.

Of those who tested positive for the coronavirus, 595 are being treated in intensive care, a decrease of 45 compared to Thursday, and 8,957 people are hospitalized with symptoms, down by 312.

The remaining 49,770 people -- or 84 per cent of those who have tested positive -- are in isolation at home without or with only mild symptoms.

As of Friday, Italy's total number of cases combining infections, fatalities and recoveries stood at 228,658.

Spain sees slight increases in new COVID-19 cases, deaths

[caption id="attachment_453100" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Spain COVID-19 Photo: IANS[/caption]

The Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Services has confirmed slight increases in the number of new deaths and cases of COVID-19.

Within the 24-hour period from midnight Wednesday to midnight Thursday, 56 people lost their lives to COVID-19, more than the 48 confirmed in the previous 24-hour period, taking the country's death toll from the disease to 28,628, Xinhua reported.

The total number of deaths is considerably higher than Thursday's total of 27,940, due to the inclusion of over 630 prior deaths in Catalonia which had not previously been included, the Ministry said on Friday.

There was also an increase in the number of new cases of COVID-19 detected by PCR tests (which discovers if the coronavirus is active in the body). The Health Ministry reported 446 new infections, compared with 344 new cases 24 hours earlier, taking the total number of confirmed cases to 234,824.

UK to impose quarantine on new arrivals; Corona deaths hit 36,393

[caption id="attachment_453091" align="aligncenter" width="650"]UK COVID-19 Photo: IANS[/caption]

New arrivals to Britain must self-isolate for two weeks from June 8, with fines for anyone who breaches the measure designed to prevent a second wave of coronavirus from overseas, Home Secretary Priti Patel said on Friday.

Chairing the Downing Street briefing, Patel said passengers will need to provide their contact and travel information so they can be traced if infections arise. They could also be contacted regularly during the whole quarantine and face random checks from public health authorities, Xinhua reported.

Rule breakers would face a 1,000 pounds ($1,217) fixed penalty notice in England and border force will be able to refuse entry to any non-British citizens who refuses to comply with these regulations, said the Home Office in a statement. Removal from the country could be used as a last resort, it said.

Those in quarantine will not be allowed to accept visitors, unless they are providing essential support, and should not go out to buy food or other essentials where they can rely on others, said the Home Office.

The mandatory self-isolation would not apply to people coming from Ireland, medics tackling COVID-19 and seasonal agricultural workers, said Patel.

The new move came as another 351 COVID-19 patients have died in Britain as of Thursday afternoon, bringing the total coronavirus-related death toll in the country to 36,393, according to the Department of Health and Social Care.

Africa's COVID-19 cases pass 100,000 mark

[caption id="attachment_453090" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Africa Covid-19 Image Source: Twitter[/caption]

The number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases across Africa surpassed 100,000 as of Friday afternoon, the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) said.

The Africa CDC in its latest situation update issued on Friday revealed that the number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases across the continent rose from 95,201 on Thursday to 100,330 as of Friday afternoon, Xinhua reported.

The death toll due to the COVID-19 pandemic across the African continent had surged to 3,101, according to the Africa CDC.

It disclosed that some 39,416 people who had been infected with the COVID-19 had recovered across the continent as of Friday afternoon.

The continental disease control and prevention agency also noted that the virus had spread into all of the 54 African countries.

It said that the Northern African region is the most affected area across the continent both in terms of positive COVID-19 cases, as well as the number of deaths.

Chinese mainland reports no new confirmed COVID-19 cases

[caption id="attachment_453097" align="aligncenter" width="650"]China COVID-19 Photo: IANS[/caption]

Chinese health authority said on Saturday that it saw no new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Chinese mainland on Friday.

No deaths related to the disease were reported on Friday, according to the National Health Commission, adding that it received reports of two new suspected cases, Xinhua reported.

One suspected case was imported and reported in Shanghai and the other was domestically transmitted in Jilin Province, the commission's daily report said.

On Friday, three patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery, while the number of severe cases stood at nine.

As of Friday, a total of 82,971 confirmed COVID-19 cases had been reported on the mainland, and 4,634 people had died of the disease.

Altogether 78,258 patients had been cured and discharged from hospitals by the end of Friday, the commission said, adding that there were 79 patients still being treated.

With no new cases reported on Friday, the mainland's reports of imported cases remained 1,711. Of the cases, 1,670 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 41 remained hospitalized with two in severe conditions. No deaths from the imported cases had been reported.

Six people were suspected of being infected with the virus, the commission said, noting that five of the cases were imported from overseas.

The commission added that 5,085 close contacts were still under medical observation after 252 people were discharged from medical observation on Friday.

Also on Friday, 28 new asymptomatic cases were reported on the mainland. No cases were re-categorized as confirmed cases, and 23 asymptomatic cases were discharged from medical observation.

The commission said 370 asymptomatic cases, including 26 from overseas, were still under medical observation.

By Friday, 1,065 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 45 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 441 in Taiwan including seven deaths.

A total of 1,029 patients in Hong Kong, 45 in Macao, and 408 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospitals after recovery.

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