Odishatv Bureau

Odishatv Bureau


Odishatv.in is an initiative by Odisha Television Network to connect netizens to the latest information about Odisha and beyond. The site is also a gateway to the state and offers a ...more

Odishatv.in is an initiative by Odisha Television Network to connect netizens to the latest information about Odisha and beyond. The site is also a gateway to the state and offers a wide spectrum of subjects such as History, Demography, Art and Culture, Tourist places, Festivals, Eminent sons of soil and so on.


Posts by Odishatv Bureau

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: You may feel a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection during this week

You may feel a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection during this week. Use this opportunity to discuss any lingering issues, share your fe

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: Start the week with a health-conscious approach

Start the week with a health-conscious approach. Consider implementing a new fitness routine or a dietary change. Organise your daily tasks efficientl

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: This week's alignment encourages you to integrate your creative passions

This week's alignment encourages you to integrate your creative passions, work responsibilities, and relationships into a harmonious balance. Emb

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: You may find yourself seeking comfort and security

You may find yourself seeking comfort and security within the nurturing bonds of your family. This is an excellent time to renovate or redecorate your

Pisces Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: This week, you'll find it easier to express your thoughts and emotions

This week, you'll find it easier to express your thoughts and emotions, making it an ideal time for important conversations or negotiations. Take

Aries Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: You are likely to experience a busy and productive week.

You are likely to experience a busy and productive week. You will be feeling energised and motivated and will be eager to take on new challenges. This

Taurus Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week, you will be focused on your home and family.

This week, you will be focused on your home and family. You may be spending more time at home or working on home improvement projects. You may also b

Gemini Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week is a good time to focus on your communication skills.

This week is a good time to focus on your communication skills. You may have the opportunity to give a presentation, write a proposal, or negotiate a

Cancer Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week can be a good time for you to focus on your career

This week can be a good time for you to focus on your career. You may be able to find new job opportunities or to get a promotion at your current job.

Leo Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: You are likely to be feeling more motivated and ambitious

You are likely to be feeling more motivated and ambitious, and you will be able to make progress towards your goals. You may also receive some recogni

Virgo Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week, your career is likely to be stable and uneventful

This week, your career is likely to be stable and uneventful. If you are looking for a new job, this is a good week to start your search. However, be

Libra Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week is a good time to take initiative at work

This week is a good time to take initiative at work. You are likely to be successful in new projects or ventures. You may also receive recognition for

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: This week is a great time to focus on your professional goals

This week is a great time to focus on your professional goals. You'll be feeling inspired, and you'll have the drive to get things done. This

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: Your financial situation is likely to be stable this week

Your financial situation is likely to be stable this week, and you may even have some unexpected windfalls. However, be careful not to overspend, espe

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: You may find yourself delving into intense projects

You may find yourself delving into intense projects or dealing with issues that require your full attention. Don't be afraid to explore uncharted

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: It's a favourable time for partnerships and collaborations

It's a favourable time for partnerships and collaborations. You'll find that working closely with others can lead to innovative solutions and

Pisces Weekly Horoscope from Oct 9 to 15: You'll find yourself dedicated to your work

You'll find yourself dedicated to your work, and your attention to detail will be impeccable. Your colleagues and superiors will appreciate your d

Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn from Oct 30 to Nov 5: This week, your career sector is shining brightly

This week, your career sector is shining brightly. If you've been contemplating a career change, this is a great time to start exploring new oppor

Odishatv.in is an initiative by Odisha Television Network to connect netizens to the latest information about Odisha and beyond. The site is also a gateway to the state and offers a wide spectrum of subjects such as History, Demography, Art and Culture, Tourist places, Festivals, Eminent sons of soil and so on.
