Pisces Weekly Horoscope from Oct 2 to 8, 2023: This week, you'll find it easier to express your thoughts and emotions


This week, you'll find it easier to express your thoughts and emotions, making it an ideal time for important conversations or negotiations. Take advantage of this energy to clear the air with loved ones or colleagues, as your words will carry extra weight now.

You may feel a stronger desire to spend quality time with family members, renovate your living space, or simply relax in the comfort of your home. Emotional healing and understanding of family dynamics are highlighted.

You'll be inspired to pursue artistic projects or engage in playful activities.

This is an excellent period for those seeking love or deepening their existing romantic connections.



  • Remedy :Seek emotional healing
  • Auspicious Day :Thursday, Monday & Sunday
  • Auspicious color :Yellow
  • Lucky Numbers :3, 9
  • Gemstone :Pushparaga
  • God :Baman avatar
  • Goddess :Maa Tara
  • Rudraksha :Ekmukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Friday
  • Ghatachandra :Aquarious
  • Ghatatithi :Panchami, Dashami, Poornima, Amavasya
  • Ghata Naxatra :Ashlesa
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