Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from 8th to 14th May: Overall, this week is a time of balance, introspection, and growth for you


Overall, this week is a time of balance, introspection, and growth for you. Trust yourself, follow your instincts, and take advantage of any opportunities that come your way.Remember to consider the long-term impact of any decisions you make regarding your career or finances.

In terms of love and relationships, you may find yourself seeking deeper connections with others this week. If you're single, you may meet someone who shares your values and interests.

If you're in a relationship, it's a good time to work on strengthening your bond with your partner. Exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature could be particularly beneficial for you this week. Also, be mindful of your diet and ensure that you're getting enough nutrients.



  • Remedy :Have a healthy diet
  • Auspicious Day :Friday, Saturday
  • Auspicious color :Black, Blue
  • Lucky Numbers :3, 7
  • Gemstone :Blue Sapphire
  • God :Lord Ganesh
  • Goddess :Kali
  • Rudraksha :4 faced
  • Inauspicious Day :Thursday
  • Ghatachandra :Sagittarius
  • Ghatatithi :3rd, 8th, 13th
  • Ghata Naxatra :Adra

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