Tag: Us

Hot Air Balloon Festival in Andhra's Araku Valley

New Delhi: First edition of the Hot Air Balloon Festival is all set to kick off at Araku valley near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. Scheduled to start from Tuesday, the three daylong event will experience participation of 13 countries that include the US, Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan. The Hot Air Balloon festival is being […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
2 killed in shooting at Colorado Walmart

Washington: Around two persons were killed after a gunman open fired on a crowd outside of a Walmart store of Denver in the US state of Colorado, informed police. The attack took place on Wednesday night in the city of Thornton, reports The New York Times. The police has warned people in the area to […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
'Will release all JFK files to end conspiracy theories': Donald Trump

Washington: US President Donald Trump have assured that he would look into the matter that all the documents related to assassination of John F. Kennedy, with some redactions, in order “to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest” will be released, reported the media. “I will be releasing all JFK files other than the […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
ZTE launches innovative dual-screen foldable smartphone in US

New York: Leading Chinese mobile devices provider ZTE has launched a dual-screen foldable smartphone in the US, marking another milestone for the company. The latest flagship device, named Axon M, launched on Tuesday features two 5.2-inch screens that can be folded to the size of a traditional smartphone, Xinhua reported. The phone has three unique […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Trump's threats will not intimidate us: Iran

Tehran: Iran’s Foreign Minister said on Saturday that threats made by the President of the US would never intimidate Iranians. Donald Trump threatened on Friday to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement and blasted Tehran for misdeeds ranging from the 1979 hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran to recent ballistic missile tests. […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Why is the Sun's atmosphere much hotter than its surface

Washington: Scientists have found that small solar flare could help explain why the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, is so much hotter than the surface. The corona is hundreds to thousands of times hotter than the Sun’s visible surface, the photo-sphere. Because the Sun produces heat at its core, this runs counter to what one would […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
North Korea again threatens to attack Guam

Seoul: North Korea on Friday once again threatened to attack the American island of Guam, where the US maintains a military base, following announcement of imminent joint naval drills between Washington and Seoul. In a statement published by North Korean state news agency KCNA, Pyongyang said it warned several times that it will counteract any […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Row with Turkey not affecting military activities: Pentagon

Washington: The Pentagon has said diplomatic tension between the US and Turkey has not affected their military activities. “I can confirm that these developments have not impacted our operations or personnel,” Pentagon Spokesman Robert Manning told reporters here on Tuesday, Xinhua news agency reported. “The Turkish air force base in Incirlik continues to fulfill an […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
US to announce repeal of clean power plan

Washington: The US government on Tuesday will formally announce a repeal of the Clean Power Plan, a signature effort by former US President Barack Obama to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the media reported. Scott Pruitt, head of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced at an event in Kentucky that he will sign a proposed […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
US, Turkey mutually suspend visa services

Washington: The US and Turkey have mutually suspended all non-immigrant visa services for travel between the two countries, after last week’s arrest of an American consulate employee in Istanbul, the media reported. With some exceptions, the move implemented from Sunday effectively blocks Turks from travel to the US, and vice versa, indefinitely, reports CNN. The […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Iran warns US military bases at risk upon new sanctions

Tehran: Iran warned the US against designating its Revolutionary Guards Corp as a terrorist group and said US regional military bases would be at risk if further sanctions were passed, state media reported on Sunday. The warning came after the White House said that President Donald Trump would announce new US responses to Iran’s missile […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Kim Jong-un hails N.Korea's nuclear programme

Seoul: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has lauded his country’s nuclear weapons programme as the best way to defend its sovereignty and counter threats from the US. Speaking to the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang on Saturday, Kim Jong-un said “nuclear weapons of North Korea are a precious fruition […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
N.Korea fires ballistic missile
Iran denies 'prepared' for talks on missile programme

Tehran: Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman on Friday “categorically” denied the reports that Tehran is ready to talk with powers over its ballistic missile programme. Iran has repeatedly announced that “its defence programme will never be subject to negotiations,” Xinhua cited IRNA news agency that quoted spokesman Bahram Qasemi as saying. Developing “missile programme is Iran’s […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
US approves sale of THAAD missiles to Saudi Arabia

Washignton: The US State Department has approved on Friday a possible $15 billion sale of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems to Saudi Arabia, according to a statement released by the Pentagon. The Middle East country has requested to purchase 44 THAAD launchers, 360 missiles, 16 fire control station and 7 radars, Xinhua quoted […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Sudan welcomes US decision to lift 20-year-old trade sanctions

Khartoum: Sudan government on Friday welcomed the US administration’s decision to permanently lift the 20-year-old economic sanctions on Sudan. “Sudanese leadership, government and people welcome the positive decision made by the US President Donald Trump on Friday to permanently lift the economic sanctions on Sudan,” Xinhua cited Sudan’s Foreign Ministry as saying. “Sudan regards it […]

  • Tuesday, 06 July 2021