Tag: United Nations

Libya crisis: UN issues war crimes warning

Geneva: The UN Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Tuesday warned that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Libya could amount to war crimes. In a statement issued in here, Bachelet said all parties to the conflict must make every effort to protect civilians. She urged protagonists to the conflict in Libya to […]

  • Sunday, 02 May 2021
US expects all countries to observe UN sanctions against Azhar

By Arul Louis United Nations: The US, which pressured China to agree to UN sanctions on Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar, says it expects all countries to uphold their obligations arising from his listing as an international terrorist. State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said that Washington welcomed his listing as an international terrorist by the […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
12 Rohingya Muslim youth rescued in Mizoram

Aizawl: The Mizoram Police have rescued 12 young Rohingya Muslim boys and girls, suspected to be victims of human trafficking, after they entered the bordering northeast state from Bangladesh without valid travel documents, officials said on Monday. With this, as many as 43 young girls and boys of Nepali and Myanmarese Rohingya descent have been […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
UN to hold 2020 ocean conference in Lisbon

United Nations: United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Thursday decided to hold its 2020 high-level conference early June in Portugal’s Lisbon to support the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources. The UNGA “decides to convene the high-level 2020 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
It is 'unfair' that India is not in UNSC: Taiwan

New Delhi: Taiwan on Friday made a strong pitch for India’s inclusion in the UN Security Council (UNSC), saying it needs to be reconstituted as the veto power is with very few countries which is disproportionate to the membership of the United Nations. Taiwan Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC) Representative, Ambassador Chung-Kwang Tien said India […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
Dia Mirza named SDGs Advocate by UN

Mumbai: United Nations on Friday appointed Indian actress-producer Dia Mirza as an advocate of Sustainable Development Goals alongside internationally popular individuals like actor Forest Whitaker, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Dia has always been vocal about her concern and duty towards the environment and has created immense awareness and inspired […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
UN urges aid access for displaced in Myanmar

Naypyitaw: The UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator on Wednesday urged Myanmar authorities to guarantee access for humanitarian assistance and to find solutions for the 270,000 people displaced due to conflicts in their regions. Ursula Mueller emphasized the rights of those displaced to return voluntarily to their homes, “in safety […]

  • Saturday, 01 May 2021
Skill Development
UN cuts India's growth rate by 0.6%, but at 7% it retains top spot

United Nations: Although the UN has downgraded India’s growth rate for the current fiscal year to 7 per cent, a cut of 0.6 percent from the projection made in January, it continues to be the world’s growth leader. Despite the projected slowdown, “I would also point out that the forecast for India is among the […]

  • Friday, 30 April 2021
UN looks forward to working with Modi: Spokesperson

United Nations: The UN looks forward to working with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is set to begin a second term after his party’s election victory, according to Stephane Dujarric, the spokesperson for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “The Secretary-General and him (Modi) have an especially strong relationship when it comes to issues around climate change,” Dujarric […]

  • Friday, 30 April 2021
Almost 700 dead, over 4,000 wounded in Tripoli clashes

Tripoli: Scores of civilians are among at least 691 people killed and 4,012 injured in the battle for control of Tripoli since eastern warlord Khalifa Haftar began an assault on the Libyan capital in early April, according to the United Nations. “The toll of the armed conflict in Libya’s capital is 691 dead, including 41 […]

  • Thursday, 29 April 2021
Yoga is force for fighting climate change, fostering global harmony: UN

United Nations: Deputy UN Secretary-General Amina Mohammed has said that yoga can help the world in these troubled times by inspiring the adoption of a sustainable lifestyle to fight climate change and by promoting tolerance and peace. Addressing the fifth International Yoga Day celebration here on Thursday, she said: “The essence of yoga is balance […]

  • Thursday, 29 April 2021
UN expresses alarm at internet blackout in Myanmar

Yangon: A UN expert on Tuesday warned of a possible cover-up of human rights violations in Myanmar following the government’s decision to cut off mobile internet services in an area where an ethnic-minority guerrilla group is active. On June 20, Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport and Communications ordered all mobile providers to temporarily suspend services to […]

  • Thursday, 29 April 2021
united nation
UN chief invokes Shimla Agreement, calls for 'maximum restraint' on Kashmir

United Nations: UN chief Antonio Guterres on Thursday urged India and Pakistan to exercise “maximum restraint” and refrain from taking steps that could affect the status of Jammu and Kashmir, as he highlighted the Shimla Agreement which rejects any third-party mediation on the issue. The Secretary-General’s remarks came after India on Monday revoked Article 370 […]

  • Tuesday, 27 April 2021
US Congressman apologizes after outcry over Kashmir letter

New York: A US Congressman has apologized for having written a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asking that Washington “focus” on Kashmir and criticizing India’s move to rescind its special status. Democrat Representative Tom Suozzi, who met about 100 Indian Americans on Sunday, said in a statement on Monday: “I am sorry. If […]

  • Tuesday, 27 April 2021
China asks for UNSC meeting to discuss Kashmir after Pak writes letter to UN

United Nations: China has formally asked for “closed consultations” in the UN Security Council to discuss India revoking the special status to Jammu and Kashmir after Pakistan, Beijing’s closest ally, wrote a letter on the issue to Poland, the Council President for the month of August, a top diplomat here said. The UN diplomat told […]

  • Tuesday, 27 April 2021