Odishatv Bureau
London: If you think that you can woo a woman online by posting a flattering picture alongside your profile on the web, think again, for a study says females can  easily identify an attractive man just by reading his profile.
In the study, researchers found good-looking men were able to convey their confidence and attractiveness in their written self-description, and that women volunteers were able to recognise their beauty without being shown their photos.
Men whose photos were rated as attractive had written profiles that were also deemed to be attractive, despite words and images being rated by different judges, the study found.

In fact, the researchers at Villanova University in the US asked 50 female university students to examine profiles and pictures of 100 men aged 22 to 25 who had posted on a popular dating website, the `Daily Mail` reported.
The students were each given 25 of the photographs, and asked to rate how attractive they found each man if they were considering him for a date, short-term sexual encounter or long-term relationship. They were also asked to consider how confident and masculine he seemed from the picture.
They were then given the written profiles of 25 different men and again asked how attractive each seemed for a date, for sex and for a long-term committed relationship. They`re also asked to rate each candidate on how kind, confident, funny, intelligent or humorous he seemed from his profile.

Rebecca Brand, who led the study, said: "The overall attractiveness of the photo was positively correlated with the overall attractiveness of the text. In other words, those who are physically attractive  also write more appealing profiles. In this sense, online dating does not seem to level the playing field for unattractive individuals. Our data suggests that attractive individuals wrote texts (profiles) that  conveyed confidence, and it was perhaps this confidence which primarily signalled quality to the women."
The Professor added that "such confidence may arise from attractive people`s general sense of their high mate-value".
