Nitesh Kumar Sahoo

Lions are ferocious and powerful animals that give no chance to their prey to escape. Lions being the strongest are referred to as the ‘King’ of the forest. Its roar is enough to stream fear among anyone. It is quite impossible to escape from the deadly jaws of a lion. Lions chase their prey and maul them to death by crushing their necks.

But, have you ever heard of lions getting attacked by a small animal? Lions do taste defeat and there are several instances that show lions getting defeated by larger animals. However, here we bring a video that shows a baboon attacking lion to save its troop.

As seen in the video, a lion charges forward and launches a sudden attack on the grassland. Several monkeys can be seen sitting on a tree nearby. Suddenly, a screeching sound can be heard in the video. As it seems, the lion attacked a monkey and reacting to it, the fellow monkeys start screeching.

Suddenly, a large baboon can be seen rushing toward the lion. The primate jumps on the lion and a baboon (prey) can be seen escaping while the older monkey remains engaged in a fight with the lion. The baboon continues to fight with the lion for a while.

At last, the lion escapes while the baboon continues to chase the big cat to a distance.

As it seems, the visual was captured by some visitors in a wildlife sanctuary.

Baboons are some of the world’s largest monkeys and are highly aggressive in comparison to other monkeys. The baboons easily get distinguished from other primates for their long, dog-like muzzles. They have heavy and powerful jaws with sharp canine teeth. They also have short tails. These are opportunistic eaters. Though grass, leaves and other natural products comprise a large part of their diet, they also eat birds, rodents and young larger mammals, like sheep and antelopes. However, their principal predators include lions, leopards, hyenas and crocodiles. But, the viral video proves that even baboons can retaliate and attack their predators when required. 

The video shared on Twitter by CCTV IDIOTS has gone viral amassing massive views. The visual has also stunned several users which is obvious from the comments.

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