Soumya Prakash Pradhan

WhatsApp, a popular messaging app, has gained widespread popularity due to the numerous features added this year.

Users love all the app's features, finding them beneficial and enhancing their engagement with the platform.

As of the 7th month of 2023, several features have been added to WhatsApp. Let’s explore them:

  1. Chat Lock: The Chat Lock feature enhances privacy, allowing users to hide individual chats behind fingerprint or passcode protection.
  2. Silence Unknown Callers: This feature enables users to silence calls from unknown numbers on WhatsApp. Calls from unknown numbers will appear silently, ensuring users are not disturbed.
  3. Chat Transfer: Transferring chats to an iPhone has become effortless. Users can now easily transfer their chats in the settings section without losing any previous conversations.
  4. React in the Chat: Users can now react to messages in WhatsApp using emojis to express their emotions, including likes, love, laughter, and more. They can even add additional emojis for greater variety.
  5. Edit Message: WhatsApp offers an Edit Message feature, allowing users to edit messages sent to others within a 15-minute window. This is especially helpful for correcting typos and spelling mistakes after sending a message.
  6. Group Call: WhatsApp now supports group calls for up to 15 participants on Android. This feature proves valuable for organising friend circles and official meetings, facilitating engaging conversations with multiple individuals at the same time.
  7. Redesigned Sticker Tray: WhatsApp is introducing a revamped Sticker Tray, improving navigation for users seeking expressive avatars to convey their emotions. Though not yet officially rolled out, this upcoming feature holds great promise.

These new features are expected to enhance the overall WhatsApp experience, making it even more appealing and user-friendly.
