Cassian Baliarsingh

The inordinate delay in the functioning of the much-awaited Talcher Medical College has triggered resentment among the locals. Though the construction of the medical college was completed in 2019, the health facility has not become operational yet, much to the inconvenience of the local residents.

Cracks have started to develop in the building due to a lack of maintenance. The medical building has been locked for the last 3-4 years and turned into a ghost den. The state government and the district administration have been turning deaf ears to the repeated requests of locals to make the medical functional, it was alleged. 

Even though the local MLA had announced to start the medical college by the end of October 2023, the promise seems hollow. This has spread resentment among the locals who have now threatened to resort to protest in upcoming days.

Irate locals slammed the state government and district administration for delaying the commissioning of the medical college and warned of agitation if the facility is not made functional as soon as possible.

“The operation of the medical college is very urgent. Even as Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan had inaugurated the building in 2019, the state government is yet to make it functional even as 2023 is going to end,” said a local, Bibhuti Sahoo.

Another local, Rangadhara Nahak said, “Talcher is generating the highest revenue for the state, but the local residents are left neglected in terms of health facilities. Now, we do not have any other choice than to resort to protest.”

“We will agitate and close Talcher Coal mines and train lines. The administration is taking the people of Talcher very lightly. This is our last warning,” said Karunakar Sahoo, a local resident.

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