Odishatv Bureau

New Year 2023 is here to embrace you in its warmth and love. Every year people make resolutions on New Year’s eve to push themselves toward things they never dared to explore in the past. While some choose hard challenges, others stick to simpler but impactful changes in their personality. 

A strong personality mirrors success. So, if you are planning to do the ‘unexpected’ this New Year 2023, then here is a list of traits you should quit ‘NOW’. 

Speaking Negatively About Yourself

It is believed that words create vibrations that attract negative and positive energy. Good words attract positive energy while bad words pull negativity. Speaking negatively about yourself can affect your personality. If you are a harsh self-critic, then it is high time you change this habit. In New Year 2023, try to applaud yourself for every accomplishment. Praise yourself and shift toward the self-love regime. 

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Fearing the Outcome

Most of the time, you avoid taking challenges because you fear the outcome. By doing this, you limit your potential and put yourself in a constricted loop. Before swinging into the New year 2023, make sure you leave this negative trait. Accept challenges and take the ‘less-travelled’ roads to achieve your goals. 

Choosing others Over Yourself

Self-priority is very important to live a happy and content life. While it is good to think about others, sacrificing your happiness for them is not.  In 2023, make sure to keep yourself above everyone. A soul that loves oneself can only love others.  As one needs to realise, the most sacred thing is inside you already.

Living in Toxic Relationships

The new year calls for new changes. The first thing you should change in 2023 are the people whom you give access in your life. Do not thrive upon toxic relationships that drain your solace. Choose people who love, care, and support you selflessly. Since the kind of circle you have around you ultimately forms you. 

Avoiding Mental Health Issues

Your mental health requires as much attention from you as you give to your physical health. Before entering New Year 2023, promise yourself to be more considerate toward your mental health issues. Talk with your close ones if something bothers you. You can also seek professional help if it gets too much for you. 

This New Year 2023 promise yourself to bring out the best version of your personality. Work hard, break your limits and achieve the impossible. However, amid all this, do not forget to love yourself, praise yourself for the tiniest victories, and be more compassionate towards your inner self. 

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