Pradeep Pattanayak

No sooner has Monsoon set in over Odisha than Dengue has raised its ugly head in the state with 235 patients being tested positive for the disease.  

According to Public Health Director Dr Nilakantha Mishra, three Dengue positive cases were reported on Sunday. Of them, two were from Puri and the rest one was from Bhubaneswar. 

“This year, since rains set in earlier, there is a slight increase in Dengue cases compared to last year. During this period last year, a total of 107 Dengue cases were reported. But this year, the number is 235,” said Dr Mishra. 

Also Read | Odisha Reports 26 Heatstroke Deaths, Highest in Rourkela at 20 

“Yesterday, three cases were detected. To put a check on the number, we have taken a slew of preventive measures. Meetings were held and Urban Health Centres and Chief District Medical Officers (CDMOs) have been alerted. Two things are to be taken care of. First, the breeding of mosquito should be prevented. The foremost task is to prevent water stagnation as these spots are the breeding places of mosquitoes. Second, people should take proper care to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. They have been asked to wear full sleeve dresses,” said Dr Mishra. 

“Besides direction being issued to hospitals to keep their Dengue wards ready; we have also made all arrangements for the availability of platelets and blood in place,” he added. 

 Khordha has so far reported 65 Dengue cases. Cuttack, Malkangiri and Puri have logged 19, 17 and 13 cases respectively. 

However, the silver lining is that no death caused by Dengue has so far been reported this year.

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