Vikash Sharma

Roaring Cosmic Event with super charged abundance and a New Galactic Year: We are already into it from July 26 till August 12, and the peak of this cosmic event is on 8/8 (August 8, 2022).

Expert Energy healer -Tarot Card reader- Life Coach Mrs Bina Sheth from Divine Bliss Cuttack is here to give us all the knowledge and guidance we need to know during this super vibrant energy portal to manifest abundant and peaceful life.

What is 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is the opening of the galactic gate that delivers high frequency energy into our beings, allowing us to rebirth our spirit energy and spirit energy of Mother Earth. This high frequency energy can be used to open your energy centres, inspire new ideas, raise your consciousness and enhance your spiritual abilities. Lion’s gate portal is activated by the rising of the star Sirius.

What is Sirius?

Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is known as Dog Star or our Spiritual Sun. In Hinduism, Sirius is believed to be Svana, the dog of King Yudhisthira. Pandavas along with Svana set out on a long and arduous journey to find the kingdom of heaven, but one by one the brothers all abandoned the search until only Yudhisthira and his dog, Svana, were left. At long last they came to the gates of heaven. The gatekeeper, Indra, welcomed the King but denied Svana entrance. Yudhisthira was aghast and told Indra that he could not forsake his good and faithful servant and friend.

Yudhisthira said to Indra that his brothers abandoned the journey to heaven to follow their hearts’ desires but Svana chose to follow none, but Yudhisthira. The King said that without his dog he would forsake even heaven. This is what Indra had wanted to hear, and then he welcomed both Yudhishthira and the dog through the gates of heaven.

The dog was Dharma (right conduct and behaviour with right knowledge). Sirius is sometimes known as Svana, the dog of King Yudhisthira. The Lion's Gate portal opens as the Earth, the star Sirius and the Sun move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza (Egypt). The ancients were very much in tune with the star Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of the higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of the Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilise whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.

While our solar sun is responsible for beaming down life for our physical bodies, Sirius is responsible for beaming down life for our spiritual bodies. This is why the opening of the Lion’s gate portal can bring awakenings and lift our consciousness to new heights.

Why is it called Lions Gate?

The rising of the Sirius which ancient celebrated as the rebirth of Spirit, happens to occur right in the heart of the Leo season, which is ruled by the Lion. On August 8, as the Sun enters its home in Leo and Sirius aligns with the Earth and Orion's Belt, they create an intense energy which alters our perspective on ourselves and the world, offering people born under all zodiac signs an opportunity to manifest powerful positive changes.

The Sun is just 15* of Leo which is half way through the zodiac. Reaching the half way mark is said to thin the veil between the realm of Spirit and 3D world (our world where we humans live). The gate between 3D world and spirit world is open so if you tap into this high frequency energy during this time it has great potential for growth in life and harness your spiritual wisdom as well. The number 8 in numerology represents infinity and DNA activation, allowing us to take this Sirius energy and infuse into very core of our beings.

The number 8 also represents karmic loop and infinite transformation. The brave bold energy of fire sign Leo empowers us with the courage to take actions and roar and move forward with our desires.

Pay attention to what is coming up for you during this time. Is it showing you something that needs to be healed? Something that isn’t aligned? Or inviting you to step forward into the unknown.

Here are things we can set intention to experience on Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8:

1: Healing- During this time old and current wounds may rise for healing. Best time to go within and heal yourself from grief or karmic baggage. Healing sessions can help accelerate the healing process.

2: Third eye awakening- We may feel highly intuitive during this time. So, tap on your intuition and learn about improving your intuitive abilities during this time.

3: Higher Chakras opening- Besides our seven chakras in physical body we have many chakras above our crown chakra. Lion’s gate portal is the right time to activate them for higher spiritual wisdom and knowledge.

4: Psychic downloads- With high vibrational energy from Sirius beaming our way, we are more likely to receive psychic downloads. They can come through visions, spirit guides and angels or hearing something intuitively. Meditation and Automatic writing are great ways to get this downloads

5: Visitation- Since the veil between the 3D world and spirit world is thin we might receive messages from our ancestors or loved ones in dreams or visions.

6: Freedom- Sirius is our Spirit Sun and understanding it’s energy and feeling it might bring a sense of freedom in us as we understand the 3d world is an illusion our true world is our spirit world. If brings a sense of freedom in us from our worldly engagement or attachments.

7: Peace - Spending time in nature and meditation will bring sense of peace as energy of Sirius also holds vibration of peace.

8: Creativity- Highly creative time for artistic project and creating something with new ideas.

9: Technology- Sirius is associated with technology. If you want to start new tech project or innovation or start a website or an app or a blog, this energy portal will be a great time to do it. Go for it now.

10: Crystals - As crystals hold more consciousness than anyone on earth, working with crystals during this time will bring guidance and manifestation as well. So, during this time on Lion’s Gate Portal set intention of how you wish to use this high frequency divine energy and then create a practice to harness and work with this energy and take aligned actions to manifest your higher goals desires and dreams into reality of this world.

For further paid personal guidance contact: Bina Sheth

DivineBliss 9437411155

Click the link below to connect Mrs. Bina Sheth
