International News Updates

Biden Announces 1st Tranche Of Economic Sanctions Against Russia

Russia will pay an even steeper price if it continues its aggression, including additional sanctions, Biden warned.

Swift Response
United States On Russia-Ukraine Tension

United States On Russia-Ukraine Tension

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‘De-Escalation Priority’
Ukraine-Russia Conflict: India’s Statement At UNSC Meet

Ukraine-Russia Conflict: India’s Statement At UNSC Meet

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Credit Suisse Account Holders Came From Countries Hit By Arab Spring Protests
Credit Suisse Account Holders Came From Countries Hit By Arab Spring Protests

The data also sheds light on the role Credit Suisse played for years in allowing some Arab elites to stash their wealth abroad, even as they and their governments were accused of compromising an entire region through corruption and nepotism - grievances at the heart of the Arab Spring protests.

Vladimir Putin
Putin Orders Troops To Eastern Ukraine After Recognising Rebel Regions

Responding to Putin's announcement, Ukrainian President resident Volodymyr Zelensky said the country wanted peace, but declared that "we are not afraid" and "will not give anything away to anyone".

India At UN
Escalation Of Tension Along Russia-Ukraine Border Matter Of Deep Concern: India At UN

The escalation of tension along the border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation is a matter of deep concern, said Ambassador T S Tirumurti.

UN Chief
UN Chief Calls Russia's Decision Violation Of Ukraine's Territorial Integrity; UNSC To Hold Emergency Meeting

UN Secretary-General Guterres is greatly concerned by the decision by the Russian Federation related to the status of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, a statement issued by the spokesperson of the UN chief said.

Putin Signs Decrees Recognising Two 'Independent Republics' In Ukraine

The crisis of European security occurred due to the eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which has led to the loss of mutual trust with Russia, Putin stressed.

Nepal Protests
Nepal Protests: What’s Fuelling Such Violent Protests

Nepal Protests: What’s Fuelling Such Violent Protests

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China To Provide J-10C Fighter Jets To Pakistan
China To Provide J-10C Fighter Jets To Pakistan

First published on social media last week, the images show two J-10Cs, equipped with China's domestically developed WS-10B Taihang turbofan engines, undertaking test flights at an undisclosed location.

Japanese PM To Join Online G7 Summit Over Ukraine Tensions
Japanese PM To Join Online G7 Summit Over Ukraine Tensions

Kishida's participation in the Thursday summit, meanwhile, to be hosted by Germany, was announced by Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno.

Russian Battleplans Call For 'Overwhelming Intensity Of Fire' On Ukraine
Russian Battleplans Call For 'Overwhelming Intensity Of Fire' On Ukraine

Meanwhile, Russian military exercises in Belarus which were due to end on Sunday were extended to an unspecified date, meaning 30,000 men plus ballistic missile launchers, artillery and tanks will remain in place on Ukraine's northern border and within easy striking distance of Kiev.

Credit Suisse Leak Shows It Catered To Dozens Of Criminals, Dictators, Intelligence Officials
Credit Suisse Leak Shows It Catered To Dozens Of Criminals, Dictators, Intelligence Officials

After its luxury watches, snow-capped mountains, and superior chocolates, the Alpine nation of Switzerland is perhaps known best for its secretive banking sector. And at the heart of that sector is Credit Suisse, which over its 166-year history has become one of the world's most important financial institutions.

Biden, Putin Hold Phone Call Amid Heightened Tensions Over Ukraine
Biden Accepts 'In Principle' Meeting With Putin If Russia Does Not Invade Ukraine: White House

According to US estimates, Russia has amassed over 150,000 in and near Ukraine, up from about 100,000 on January 30.

Afghans' Annual Per Capita Income Could Fall To $350
Afghans' Annual Per Capita Income Could Fall To $350

The report, quoting UN Development Programme (UNDP) and IMF estimates, said Afghanistan's economy suffered a severe contraction in 2021 up to a 20 to 30 per cent drop in GDP.
