Fortnightly Horoscope for Pisces from May 16-31, 2024: Competition in business may increase


Here is the fortnightly astrological prediction for Pisces, the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac. You will become a laughing stock of people if you fail to cut your coat according to your cloth. Learn what you can expect for the fortnight. 

Peace will prevail on the domestic front. You may require a good amount of money for any development as planned by you. Competition in business may increase and it will cause your headache. Due to misunderstanding, you will come under suspicious eyes of others at the workplace.

You will draw attention of the higher-ups in the office. You will accidentally obtain funds. Morale and capacity of students will get a boost in their matter of academic studies. You will become a laughing stock of people if you fail to cut your coat according to your cloth. 

You are advised not to buy land, property and costly vehicle. Peace in the family will get enhanced. You will be drawn towards behavioural science and Philosophy apart from acquiring skills in Logic. 

  • Remedy :You are advised to attend an auspicious occasion and extend support to others.
  • Auspicious Day :Thursday, Monday & Sunday
  • Auspicious color :Yellow
  • Lucky Numbers :3, 9
  • Gemstone :Pushparaga
  • God :Baman avatar
  • Goddess :Maa Tara
  • Rudraksha :Ekmukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Friday
  • Ghatachandra :Aquarious
  • Ghatatithi :Panchami, Dashami, Poornima, Amavasya
  • Ghata Naxatra :Ashlesa
Deepak Acharya
Deepak Acharya

Jyotirvid Deepak Acharya (Bhabishya Jyoti) is a Jyotisha Sudhakara and has 15 plus years of experience. 
Deepak  Acharya is an engineer in electronics, networking and hardware. He is also former engineer at IBM. He has completed  Jyotishsri and Jyotish Sudhakar at Bhagyalipi Gurukul (Odisha) under the guidance of late  Jyotirbid Dr. Nirmai Chandra Banarjee.
He has been awarded by several astrological and vastu organisations both National  and at International level.
Deepak Archarya is an expert in  Kundali Analysis,  Scientifically reading of horoscope, vastu expert and also suggests remedies by  gemstone,  perfoming  chandi patha, mangala dosha khandana, kala sarpa santi and dasa maha bidya puja since the past 15 years and continuing.  And he is a life member of Indian astrological  research  institute  (Jharkhand).

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