Cancer Weekly Horoscope from 1st to 7th May: This is a time to focus on your long-term goals and aspirations


This is a time to focus on your long-term goals and aspirations. You may be feeling particularly ambitious and driven, and this is an excellent time to make progress towards your dreams.However, it's important to be mindful of any potential conflicts or power struggles in your workplace.

You may need to navigate some tricky interpersonal dynamics, but staying true to your values and maintaining your integrity will help you to come out on top.

In terms of relationships, you may be feeling particularly vulnerable and may need to rely on your loved ones for support. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help if you need it.It's important to take care of yourself and prioritize self-care in order to manage any intense feelings.


  • Remedy :Prioritise self-care
  • Auspicious Day :Sunday and Monday
  • Auspicious color :White & Red
  • Lucky Numbers :2, 7 & 9
  • Gemstone :Pearl
  • God :Lord Krishna
  • Goddess :Bhubaneswari
  • Rudraksha :Ekamukhi
  • Inauspicious Day :Wednesday
  • Ghatachandra :Leo
  • Ghatatithi :Dwitiya, Saptami and Nabami
  • Ghata Naxatra :Anuradha

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