Odishatv Bureau

Bhubaneswar/Bolangir: Wife of Punjilal Meher, the accused in the sensational wedding gift blast case, today demanded an unconditional apology from the then Crime Branch IG Arun Bothra and threatened to file defamation suit of Rs 20 lakh if the official fails to do so.

Accusing Bothra of being one of the promoters of the movie being made on the incident, she asked how Punjilal can be portrayed as convict when the case is sub-judice in the court.

Responding to the allegations, Bothra said that he has no links with the movie or its makers and Punjilal's wife can move the Court, but he is not going to give a single penny to her.

On February 23, 2018, a bomb disguised in a gift parcel exploded inside the house of a newly-wed couple at Patnagarh in Bolangir district, killing the groom and his grandmother, while the bride sustained grievous injuries. Later, Crime Branch’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) led by Arun Bothra cracked the case and arrested Punjilal in around 2 months.

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