Odishatv Bureau

By Srinibash Samal

Samba Dashami is a unique festival in Odisha. It is celebrated on the 10th day of the Shukla Paksha of Pausha Masa as per Odia calendar and this year it will be observed across Odisha on January 5, i.e. tomorrow. The festival which is mainly observed in the coastal districts of the State is also known as Sambar Dashami or Sataghadi. The day is dedicated to the worship of the Sun God and is peculiar to Odisha.

The religious view and deep culture behind this Puja is very important. We cannot survive without the sun. This Puja is done because it is believed that the Sun has the power to heal diseases.

On this day, the women particularly mothers worship Surya for the welfare and well beings of their children. For each child in the family, a particular item is offered to Surya on the first Samba dashami after the birth (colloquially known as badhā-kudhā). Thus, depending on the number of family members, a large number of bhogas are made and offered. These include fruits, sweets and cooked items.


This festival is mostly observed by elderly women who propitiate the Sun God to keep their children free from all diseases. On this day, the Sun God is invoked thrice. Once in the morning, then at mid-day and lastly in the evening, before the sunsets.

On the day of Samba Dashami, the women of the family get up early before the sunrise. After bathing they prepare varieties of food and pitha items like: Khiri, Khechudi, Puri, Ghanta Tarkari, Manda Pitha, Kakara, Matha-Kakara, Chhena Poda, Poda Pitha, Arisha Pitha, Chakuli Pitha, Bara, Makar Chaula, Chhena, Guda, Muaan, Khiri, Rasagola, Jilapi, Chhenagaja, Sweet Curd etc. in the name of each member of the family, and offer them to the Bhagavan Surya at noon, a bowl of turmeric water with betel in it is taken to near chaunra. All the cooked food is served on eggplant (brinjal) leaves.

The female head of the family worships Surya and offers these items looking at the reflection of Surya on a bowl of haldi pani. She prays Surya for the wellbeing of the whole family. After the end of puja, the bhoga is shared by the family members.

Towards the evening or late night another puja is observed as a part of Samba dashami. It is known as Mahakala puja. Budha chakuli and ghadghadia tarkari (an item prepared with fish, variety of dal and other vegetables) are offered to Yama again for the long life and wellbeing of all family members.

Legend or Beliefs behind the festival:

The significance of Samba Dashami surrounds Samba, the son of Krishna. Samba was handsome and looked almost like Krushna. But he was notorious. He used his look to fool his stepmothers and play pranks with them in the absence of his father. Krishna bore it with patience as he did not like to hurt him. One day, Samba teased sage Narada for his looks. The sage who was not good looking felt humiliated and was infuriated. He decided to teach Samba a lesson. He lured Samba to the private bathing pool where his stepmothers were taking bath. Finding intrusion on their privacy, they all complained to Krishna. Narada also added fuel to the fire. Krishna was mortified to learn that his son was a ‘peeping, tom’ and cursed him to suffer from leprosy. Samba pleaded his innocence and expressed that he was misled by Narada. Krishna found it to be true and repented for his action in haste. As the curse cannot be revoked, he advised Samba to pray Surya who alone can cure him of the deadly disease.

After twelve years of severe penance near Arka Kshetra Konark, Samba succeeded in pleasing the Surya and then the holy water of the river cured him on the shukla paksha dashami in the month of Pausa. Then Bhagavan Surya granted his wish, when he discovered statue of Bhagavan Surya standing on a Lotus pedestal holding two lotuses in his both hands at Chandrabhaga at the time of bath. Since then, Samba dashami is observed in every Odiya family.

These are embodied in Brahma Purana, Kapila Samhita, Madala Panji, Prachi Mahatmya, Bhavishya Purana and Samba Purana.

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are the author’s own and have nothing to do with OTV’s charter or views. OTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.)

[Srinibash is a freelance author and can be reached via
E-mail: srinibash.samal3@gmail.com
Twitter: @srinibash_samal
Blog address: thesrinibash.wordpress.com]

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