Rajendra Prasad Mohapatra

Bhubaneswar: The Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar on Monday ordered a probe into the allegations made by the wife of a sepoy that her husband was forced to attempt suicide after he was threatened with transfers by the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Armed Commandant.

In her complaint to the Commissioner, Sunita Lenka alleged that her husband, Nihar Ranjan Nayak took the extreme step after DCP Bijay Sahoo threatened him with transfers when he expressed his inability to ‘arrange women’ as demanded by the senior official.

“I have ordered Additional Commissioner of Police, Rekha Lohani to conduct a thorough probe into the allegations,” Commissioner Saumendra Priyadarshi said.

Earlier on Monday, Sunita lodged a complaint before the Police Commissioner alleging that the senior official was illegally forcing her husband to arrange women.

She said her husband attempted suicide by consuming phenyl following threats of transfer by DCP Sahoo.

The DCP even threatened to dismiss her husband if his demands were not met, she alleged.

“My husband was under tremendous mental pressure and attempted to kill himself by consuming phenyl a few days back,” she said. He has been admitted to a private hospital in a critical condition, she said.

“My husband was in charge of the family welfare centre where the wives and daughters of sepoys and havildars used to come for training. The DCP is a higher ranking officer and he used to force my husband to provide women to him (DCP). When my husband expressed his helplessness, he held a grudge against him and threatened him at regular intervals with transfer and dismissal from service,” alleged Sunita, demanding action against the DCP.

However, DCP Sahoo refuted the allegations against him.

“The allegations are false and baseless. The false allegations have been made by the sepoy’s wife with a view to avoid transfer of her husband. I am requesting senior officials to investigate the matter,” said Sahoo.

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