History Made: Odisha Witnesses A Sombre Rath Yatra Amid Covid Pandemic

Bhubaneswar: It was a historic day for Shreekhetra, the land of Lord Jagannath when it hosted the world-famous Rath Yatra sans participation of devotees in the wake of coronavirus pandemic. Apart from the holy town, almost the entire Odisha marked the event in devotion which was devoid of its usual merriment that generally hits a […]

Rath-Yatra Odisha

Bhubaneswar: It was a historic day for Shreekhetra, the land of Lord Jagannath when it hosted the world-famous Rath Yatra sans participation of devotees in the wake of coronavirus pandemic. Apart from the holy town, almost the entire Odisha marked the event in devotion which was devoid of its usual merriment that generally hits a feverish pitch in the State during the time.

Even as Lord Jagannath and his sibling deities finally rolled on the Badadanda in Puri following a legal tangle and political controversy, other famous shrines across Odisha and outside could not celebrate the grand occasion owing to restrictions imposed in view of Covid-19 pandemic.