Odishatv Bureau

Bhubaneswar: The presence of Bipin Bihari Mishra, who was earlier grilled by CBI in Seashore chit fund scam, at the book presentation ceremony of Tall Man Biju Patnaik in Mumbai on Saturday has now raised a few eyebrows in Odisha.

Mishra, chief of Suryakhethra Foundation was spotted sitting besides several BJD leaders including Health Minister Pratap Jena and party spokesperson Debasish Samantaray at the mega event yesterday.

Earlier, Bipin Bihari Mishra was interrogated by CBI twice in January 2017 for his alleged links with Seashore Group and company's association with bureaucrats and politicians .

Sources said, Mishra was on CBI scanner for his foundation receiving a donation of Rs 1 lakh from Seashore group in the past.

Meanwhile, both BJD leaders Pratap Jena and Debasish Samantaray could not be contacted on the issue.

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and other eminent personalities from State and outside had attended the book presentation ceremony of Tall Man Biju Patnaik that was organised in a grand manner at Mumbai yesterday.

Written by Sundar Ganesan, the book is a pictorial biography based on the life and times of illustrious and legendary Biju Patnaik.

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