Lions attack elephant calves, watch how herd of jumbos protects them

Social media is the hub to find different interesting visuals from the wild. However, recently, a video has surfaced on social media that shows some lions prepping to launch an attack on the calves of elephants and how the herd of jumbos protects their offspring.

Lions attack elephant calves, watch how herd of jumbos protects them

Life in the wild is unpredictable. Predators and prey share the same habitat. No one can ever predict when predators will launch an attack. Though none of the carnivores dares to mess with the elephants, the calves of these Titans are easy prey for predators like lions and tigers. Messing with an adult elephant is quite a rare thing and when it is about a herd of pachyderms, no carnivore will dare to invite death.

Social media is the hub to find different interesting visuals from the wild. However, recently, a video has surfaced on social media that shows some lions prepping to launch an attack on the calves of elephants and how the herd of jumbos protects their offspring.