Herd of elephants chases 3 men clicking selfie, watch what happens next

In a similar incident, three men were seen being chased by a herd of wild elephants in a forest. While there were no reports of the men suffering any injuries, the video will certainly give anyone Goosebumps. 

Herd of elephants chases 3 men clicking selfie, watch what happens next

Exploring the wild is thrilling and interesting. However, people need to remain cautious and vigilant while exploring the wild. Everyone needs to follow some basic rules to avert any mishap. Even it is advised not to get closer to wild animals as their behaviour is unpredictable.

Several videos can be found on social media in which some visitors can be seen breaking the rules at sanctuaries or national parks. A few days earlier, a video had surfaced in which a man can be seen getting closer to an elephant and the wild jumbo lost its cool for some moments but later on it controlled itself.