Infant Protection Day: How to protect infants and ensure their healthy growth?

The protection of infants is highly important for the survival of humanity. To bring awareness among everyone regarding this serious issue, Infant Protection Day is observed every year on November 7.

Infant Protection Day

News Summary

Malnutrition and lack of proper knowledge are some of the reasons for the high deaths of infants.

The Infant Protection Day is observed on November 7 to create awareness about this serious problem.

The protection of infants is highly important for the survival of humanity. Although there have been major advancements in both technology and the health sector, even today in many parts of the world babies die during infancy owing to malnutrition or neglect. Lack of proper knowledge or resources to treat health issues in infants is also another reason why the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in some countries in the world is very high.

To bring awareness among everyone regarding this serious issue, Infant Protection Day is observed every year on November 7.