World Tsunami Awareness Day: Know how Odisha became 1st Indian state to get Tsunami-ready recognition

On World Tsunami Awareness Day today, know about the two villages in Odisha that have become tsunami-ready and are the first to achieve this status in the country.

World Tsunami Awareness Day

News Summary

The prime aim of tsunami-ready programme is to prepare coastal community for unexpected natural calamities.

Venkatraipur and Noliasahi are the two villages in Odisha that have tsunami-ready recognition.

Whenever a tsunami hits any part of the world, it creates devastation. Loss of properties, human and animal life, and destruction put the place back by several decades. And it takes years for the people to get their life to normalcy. That is why it is very important for people living in seismic zone or that is prone to landslides, to be prepared for such natural disasters.

The first state in India that took important steps towards creating awareness on tsunamis was Odisha and it helped two of its villages get tsunami-ready recognition. On World Tsunami Awareness Day, know how Odisha became the first state in the country to get such a technology.