Art can be derived in different forms if the artist is passionate enough. And this passion helps the artist come up with very authentic ideas. You can see these artwork carved on teak leaves. How precisely and delicately has the artist captured the details of these leaders and famous personalities? All these artworks are done by Samarendra Behera who is an art teacher at Phulbani District of Odisha. Behera uses the profoundly available teak or Sagwan leaves from his college campus, dries them and creates this surreal impression of great personalities with the help of a sharp knife. Along with adding the logo of OTV to his artworks, Behera has remarkably depicted the image of Odisha Television Network’s MD Jagi Mangat Panda and OTV’s News Editor Radhamadhab Mishra. Samarendra Behera hopes to take this unique art form to international level if he gets some support from administration and government.