New York woman takes helicopter ride instead of cab; her solid reason is hit online

Khushi Suri, an Indian-American woman from New York, chose a helicopter over a cab for her commute from Manhattan to Queens, spending only Rs 2500 extra. This decision saved her significant time and went viral on social media, sparking discussions on the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of such unconventional commuting methods.

New York woman takes helicopter ride instead of cab

Be it India or America or London, the traffic woes appear to be universal. Like Bengaluru in India, the New York City in US is known for its car-jammed streets and grappling traffic. Daily commuters have no choice but to get stuck in the traffic for hours together.

However, this woman from New York opted for an unconventional solution and internet cannot stop praising her. Going by the heavy prices, the woman decided to take a helicopter instead of a cab and get stuck in the traffic.