Kiss of death: Cobra awards ‘love bite’ to man kissing its hood #Watch

This may not be the only incident in which the man tried to kiss the venomous reptile. Several such videos are streaming on different platforms that show the daredevil stunts of the vloggers to garner views, likes, and popularity. While some lucky persons escape the deadly consequences, some incidents turn out to be fatal.

Man kissing a cobra

Daring to face challenges with extreme willpower induces self-confidence and turns one stronger. But, being a daredevil can sometimes prove dangerous. If you enjoy accepting challenges and doing dangerous things, will you ever do the stupidity and try to kiss a venomous cobra?

Well, here we bring a video of a man and a cobra which has gone viral on social media platforms. The video shows the man kissing the cobra on its hood very passionately. However, sensing danger, the venomous reptile suddenly turned back and gave a ‘love bite’ to the man.