Buffalo herd chases and scares away lion and lioness bravely, watch

It is quite common to see videos of lions chasing and hunting their prey. However, have you ever seen a prey chasing its predator? Recently, a video surfaced on the internet that shows a herd of buffalo chasing and scaring away a lion and a lioness.

Buffalo herd chases and scares away lion and lioness bravely, watch

Lions are apex predators known for their agility, strength and power. It is rare for prey to escape from the deadly jaws of the big cats. However, some lucky and brave animals escape from the powerful jaws of the lions. Lions, often referred to as the 'King of the Forest' are powerful and brave, but not invincible. Not just elephants or some other majestic creatures, lions can be defeated by several other animals.

It is quite common to see videos of lions chasing and hunting their prey. However, have you ever seen a prey chasing its predator? Recently, a video surfaced on the internet that shows a herd of buffalo chasing and scaring away a lion and a lioness.