The Road Ahead for Pandian is Full of Potholes

VK Pandian, once a significant figure in Odisha's politics supported by Naveen Patnaik, has declared his withdrawal from active politics after a brief 195-day career marked by controversy and electoral defeat. Despite his past influence, his future in politics appears dim as he navigates challenges from an incoming BJP government.

VK Pandian

Is it the end of the road for VK Pandian? Not many people are convinced it is, especially in the backdrop of his ‘guru’ Naveen Patnaik lending his full weight behind him even after the huge debacle in the just concluded elections. The cynics point to the wordings in his ‘farewell’ video released on Sunday – “I am withdrawing from active politics” – to surmise that he could stage a comeback when the dust settles and the knives out for him return to the sheath. In any case, history tells us that no one should commit the mistake of writing off a politician. One only has to remember the case of the Late JB Patnaik, down and out after the complete rout in the 1990 Assembly elections, who made a stunning comeback to power just five years later. Or Indira Gandhi earlier, who took half that time to return to power with a thumping majority after being consigned to the dustbin by the electorate in the post-Emergency elections in 1977.

But for now, it is fair to say that Pandian will have no further role in politics in the foreseeable future. His stint in politics, lasting all of 195 days, has to be the shortest-lived political career in recent memory. But the cynics would dispute even that and argue that he had been in politics for much longer than that – at least since 2014, if not earlier.