Question paper leak: Aspirants suspect OSSC involvement; Opposition alleges job scam

“The government is completely involved in this job scam. We had our exams scheduled for 16th. If we had not protested the question leak, then the government and the Commission would have put the scam under the rug,” said an OSSC CGL aspirant, Soumyaranjan Pradhan.

Odisha Staff Selection Commission

The job aspirants suspected the involvement of top officials of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) in the recent question paper leak of CGL examination unearthed in Balasore.

“The government is completely involved in this job scam. We had our exams scheduled for 16th. If we had not protested the question leak, then the government and the Commission would have put the scam under the rug,” said an OSSC CGL aspirant, Soumyaranjan Pradhan.