'He will always be with us': Parents of 21-month-old brain dead baby donate his organs in Odisha

In Odisha, the parents of 21-month-old Pratyush Panigrahi, who was declared brain dead, donated his organs, saving two lives. His liver and heart were transplanted into children at hospitals in Chennai and Delhi.

Parents of 21-month-old brain dead baby donate his organs in Odisha

"He was just 21 months old and yet he used to offer food to others before consuming the same," recalled the mother of Pratyush Panigrahi whose organs have been donated to save two precious lives.

Pratyush's parents decided on organ donation after he was declared brain dead by the doctors in Bhubaneswar. However, the couple tried their best to provide the best treatment to their baby who also fought with the adversities strongly till the end.