84kg ganja seized from car with BJD sticker in Berhampur

In Berhampur, excise intelligence officials seized 84 kgs of ganja from a car bearing the BJD logo, sparking an investigation into its ownership and connections. Five individuals from Kandhamal were detained for their involvement in this illegal operation.

84kg ganja seized from car with BJD logo in Berhampur

Acting on a tip-off, excise officials seized a car engaged used for the illegal transportation of ganja (dry cannabis). Surprisingly, the seized vehicle has the sticker of the ruling BJD party, which has now raised suspicion.

As per reports, around 84 kgs of ganja has been seized from the car by the sleuths of Excise intelligence at Berhampur's first gate. Sources said that the vehicle carried BJD stickers in two places and an investigation has been started to ascertain its owner.