Here’s why consuming sweets before a meal is good for you

Eating sweets after a hearty meal is the norm for most of us. In fact a meal doesn’t feel complete unless one has had ‘meetha’ or ‘mithai’ after food. Over course of time, this behavioural pattern has become a core custom. But did you know it's not good to indulge in desserts after a meal?

Here’s why consuming sweets before a meal is good for you

Did you know that while it is ‘recommended’ to eat something sweet after a meal, actually the  opposite is true? Ayurveda specifically advises against consuming sweets after meals because it takes longer to digest sweets. Consuming sweets before meals is also recommended because it activates the digestive juices, which helps the rest of the meal to get absorbed easily.  

Sweets are made of heavy, difficult-to-digest ingredients such as sugar, ghee, milk, refined flour and hence take the longest time to digest. Having a dessert after a meal slows down metabolism, which is a major contributor to many disorders like obesity, hypothyroidism and PCOS. It can also cause acid reflux, causing digestive problems such as bloating, acidity, and gastric blockage.