Interesting story behind Chandan Purnima/Yatra in Odisha

The origin of Chandan Yatra can be traced back to the era of Mahabharata when the Pandavas were spending their exile and leading Agyat vasa.

Chandan Purnima

News Summary

During Chandan Yatra,Jagannath Temple deities are taken along the Narendra Pond in a boat.

Apart from Bhubaneswar, Chandan Purnima is also celebrated in a big way in different parts of Odisha.

Chandan Purnima also popularly called Chandan Yatra in Odisha is observed on the day of Purnima i.e. Full Moon Day during Vaishakh or Baisakh in the Puri Jagannath Temple. This particular festival falls during April or May according to the English calendar. In 2024, Chandan Purnima will be celebrated on May 23 which is considered to be one of the most auspicious days in the entire process of the 42-day Chandan Yatra.

How is Chandan Yatra celebrated?