World AIDS Vaccination Day: Significance of this day in fight against HIV and AIDS

To ensure that the concept of AIDS immunization is taken seriously World AIDS Vaccination Day is celebrated every year on May 18.

World AIDS Vaccination Day

News Summary

The thought behind celebrating this day is to educate everyone about the need for getting immunized with HIV vaccine.

More than 38 million people in the world are still struggling with this infection on daily basis.

HIV if not treated and looked after can progress into AIDS causing multi-organ failures and death. That is why patients with HIV must get immunized so that the spread of HIV is restricted and does not lead to AIDS. Even though the HIV/AIDS vaccine is not publicly accessible at present, researchers are working day and night to develop a potent vaccine in the future.

That makes the HIV vaccine highly essential and crucial so that public health against infectious diseases can be protected. And to ensure that the concept of AIDS immunization is taken seriously World AIDS Vaccination Day is celebrated every year on May 18.