Above Normal Rainfall In Monsoon 2022, Cyclone Worries May Haunt Odisha

Rainfall in Jun-Sept this year will be above normal in country except Kerala & Karnataka. IOD turning negative from July onwards may see brewing of cyclones in Bay of Bengal

Monsoon 2022 Forecast

News Summary

The deterministic forecast of APCC predicts that the State in the month of June will receive nearly 1 mm per day more than the normal mean June rainfall. It further hints at July getting bountiful rainfall for the State.

The monsoon will be above normal in the north, central, east and northeast India, it will be below normal in Kerala. Southern states like Kerala and Karnataka are predicted to record below normal rainfall in June-Sept period

The country is in the midst of pre-monsoon season. When the monsoon is being seen as the lifeline for Indian economy, it remains to be seen this year will it dissolve things to the bone or make them dry.

Even though the country's top weather agency IMD is yet to come out with its Monsoon forecast, it may come in the second fortnight of April, the agency's latest ENSO bulletin and the weather outlook by Asia Pacific Climate Centre (APCC) hint at the country witnessing a normal Monsoon this year.