327 Deaths in First 8-days In Odisha: How Much Will Be The Second Wave Peak?

The deaths in Covid-19 usually carry a two-week lag. This is the reason why the Covid-19 fatalities peak in the month following the peak month of daily positives. In the first wave, State saw the death peak in October

How Much Will Be The Peak Count?

News Summary

In the first 8-days of June, a high of 327 have succumbed to the disease.

The total toll so far in June has been nearly 46 per cent of the deaths in the whole of May.

At current rate of growth of 1.4 per cent, the toll count in June may touch the 4-digit mark.

Over 1200 patients are in need of intensive care at present. Over 450 patients are now requiring ventilator support - means on machine support to breathe life

Odisha has recorded the peak in the daily count of positive cases in May. But with the deaths in the State maintaining a rising trend, is the death count in the State heading towards its peak?

The first week of the month indicates so. And the big trend it's dropping is Odisha moving towards a bigger death peak than the May count. The numbers tell the grim tale. In the first 8-days of June, a high of 327 have succumbed to the disease. The total toll so far in June has been nearly 46 per cent of the deaths in the whole of May. At the current rate of growth of 1.4 per cent, the toll count in June may touch the 4-digit mark.