Children and locals stand in a queue here to have a closer look into the space. However, this is neither a planetarium nor any government office. These visuals are from the terrace of Nilagiri resident Sujit Mohanty. Every evening, Sujit hosts a huge number of people and the reason behind the gathering is this telescope. Along with letting the people gaze at the stars, satellite and planets, Sujit also provides required information and data about the celestial bodies. Now a software engineer, Sujit was keen to learn about the space science since his childhood. Thus, now he has installed a telescope at the rooftop of his house situated in his village. Also, he allows people to look through the telescope without charging them anything. Sujit refers to the gathering as Star-Party.And indeed, Sujit’s attempt has left an impact on the locals. Now they are curious to learn more about the space science and even the features of telescope.