The biggest threat to 'acche din': Raghuram Rajan

We all love bold economic forecasts, especially contrarian ones. And every once in a while, they turn out to be correct. Economists who correctly called great market booms and busts, global recessions, identified green shoots before sharp cyclical recoveries and predicted black swan events correctly are given legendary status. Of course, to some extent, they […]

Raghu ram Rajan

We all love bold economic forecasts, especially contrarian ones. And every once in a while, they turn out to be correct. Economists who correctly called great market booms and busts, global recessions, identified green shoots before sharp cyclical recoveries and predicted black swan events correctly are given legendary status. Of course, to some extent, they deserve it.

But the truth is that these bold calls are 'black swan' events themselves! Very rarely do other predictions from these notable market commentators come true.