Where Ratha Yatra was not celebrated in Odisha

Berhampur: While Ratha Yatra was celebrated in Lord Jagannath temples across Odisha and also outside on Wednesday, the grandeur of the festival went missing at a 300-year-old temple in Marada of Ganjam district. There is no deity in the temple at Marada which served as a safe hiding place for deities of the Puri Jagnnath […]


Berhampur: While Ratha Yatra was celebrated in Lord Jagannath temples across Odisha and also outside on Wednesday, the grandeur of the festival went missing at a 300-year-old temple in Marada of Ganjam district.

There is no deity in the temple at Marada which served as a safe hiding place for deities of the Puri Jagnnath Temple during 1733-1735 AD, when Kalinga style temples were being targeted by Muslim invaders.