Charges of bogus admission for nursing course against NIMMS

Bhubaneswar: Career of some nursing students of a city-based nursing college run privately is in a state of darkness as the educational institution denied to provide them admit card to appear in examinations and asked to take back their admission fees in the middle of the academic year. Levelling fake admission charges against the nursing […]

nursing student

Bhubaneswar: Career of some nursing students of a city-based nursing college run privately is in a state of darkness as the educational institution denied to provide them admit card to appear in examinations and asked to take back their admission fees in the middle of the academic year.

Levelling fake admission charges against the nursing college, NIMMS located at Baramunda, the nursing students lodged a police complaint saying the educational institution has registered 55 students for the academic year 2015-16 as against an intake capacity of 40. They added the nursing college did not provide admit card to 15 additional students and asking them to take back their admission fees.